PS3 Iso tools v2.2

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PS3 Iso tools v2.2

Le développeur Rudi Rastelli vient de mettre à jour son outil PS3 ISO Tools. Dans cette mise jour, le développeur a fixé quelques bugs et mis à jour la fonction de sélection de firmware pour supporter la dernière. Il a ajouté le support des options "[online]" et "[auto]" récemment introduites par Webman MOD v1.43.11 et qui permettent de désactiver les syscalls pour le jeu en ligne ou de lancer un jeu automatiquement.



Voici le changelog officiel et ainsi que les astuces de l'auteur :


V2.2 - Changelog
  • Bug fix: Fixed the sometimes strange behaviour of the patch-checkbox ('Create ISO(s)')

  • Selectable firmware range is now up to 4.76 (Main menu & 'Patch ISO')

  • [auto]'- and '[online]'-tags could now be added to ISO-filenames ('Create ISO(s)' & 'Modify ISO(s)')

  • It's important to set up your PS3-System on main window, because PS3 ISO TOOLS will make some preselections depending from that.

  • You can batch-convert all of your PS3-Folder-Format-Games, when you select your game-archive as source-folder(eg "X:\GAMES" or "X:\GAMESZ")

  • If you select a FAT32-drive as target for folder-format to ISO-format conversion the resulted ISO(s) will be split even without selecting the split-option

  • All other tools, with the exception of ISO-Patcher, support batch-operation as well. Just multi-select the ISOs you like to process.

  • As default ISO-name(s) will NOT contain special ASCII-characters 0-31, 126-255 and also NOT /\ :*?"<>| ... This is to avoid problems with webMAN (You can allow usage of special ASCII-characters 126-255, like '™' or '®' in "ISO-conversion-Options")

  • After conversion/extraction a log-file will be shown, which compares size and number of files/folders.

  • 'Proper' patching is possible only for 3.55, because ps3-private-keys above 3.60+, which are needed for signing, are not yet released to the public.

  • If you've choosen to extract "PARAM.SFO" and "ICON0.PNG"(Game-Icon) while converting to ISO-format, the 2 files will be placed hidden as "[ISO-name].SFO" and "[ISO-name].PNG" at target-folder. If you use webMAN copy these 2 files(per game) to "/dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/". This will save you the effort to mount each game at least once to make webMAN display it's game-icon.

  • Make sure game-folder or any file inside game-folder isn't opened in any way before starting conversion.

  • Aborted batch-conversions could be continued. Already finished conversions will be skipped.

  • Find the options to patch a game to a lower firmware within the "Create ISO(s) Options". First try the default options("If needed"). Then game(s) will only be patched when it's firmware version is higher as the set firmware version of your PS3-System If PS3 ISO TOOLS does not patch anything and game doesn't work try the "Always"-Option. The "Don't Create ISO(s)"-Option is just for CFW-Users who wan't to just patch the Game(s) in PS3-Folder-Format without creating an ISO(s) subsequently

  • Two zip files will be created while patching. They will be stored in 2 different folders named "ORIGINAL_FILES_ARCHIVE" and "PATCHED_FILES_ARCHIVE". One contains backups of the original files which needs patching. And the other one the patched files. In order to restore just unzip the zip-file containing the original filesto the game-folder and you're done.

  • 1st try your game(s) without installed game-update(s)
Lundi 26 Octobre 2015, 11:54 par Red-J
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26 octobre 2015, 12:13
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Merci je prends
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26 octobre 2015, 13:17
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26 octobre 2015, 13:23
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Merci je prends aussi !

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26 octobre 2015, 17:45
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merci pour la news ;)
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26 octobre 2015, 20:06
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27 octobre 2015, 07:34
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27 octobre 2015, 11:02
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27 octobre 2015, 19:37
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28 octobre 2015, 15:37
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comment on l'utilise
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28 octobre 2015, 21:45
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Bonjour, à quoi sert ce programme svp?
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04 octobre 2016, 01:53
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Je ne sais pas si rudi rastelli lis de temps en temps logic sunrise, mais je poste quand même ma proposition d'option en plus pour le programme:

Dans la partie "modify iso", ce serait bien si on avait une option "remove PS3_UPDATE folder from ISO"
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21 octobre 2017, 22:14
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Si rudi suit toujours ce post, pourra t'il faire un update jusqu'au firmware 4.81?
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