[EN] Create a nand with Hacked Kernel using ggbuild

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We are gonna explain you how to create a hacked nand for your glitched console in order to launch SDK homebrew like FSD...


Prerequisite Material

- A dump of your console nand


Prerequisite Software

- ECC Glitch Generator

- ggbuild

- Fichiers 13604 pour ggbuild

- 360FlashDumpTool


I: Create a hacked SMC


Step 1 : Launch BestPig's ECC Glitch Genertor, select your motherboard then choose where you want to create the files. Now click on "Generate ECC File" ... you will have to define the path of your nand dump.



Step 2 : Once the creating process is over you should see this message.



And you will be able to find a hacked SMC.bin file in the destination folder you choose at the previous step.



II: Files preparation


Step 1 :  Copy the content of the "13604 ggbuild" folder in the 13604 folder of ggbuild



Step 2 : Open 360FlashDumpTool with a nand dump from your console and look at the two LDV ... we will have to keep in mind the hightest value ... so for me it's 2.



Step 3 : In the ggbuild folder, duplicate the mytrinity folder, and rename it with the name corresponding to your console. For example i used slim4go.



For the next part, there is two methods, the first works on all fat but it seems to have trouble with some slims so, if you've got a slims privileged the 2nd methods.




Step 4 : Now open this folder, put inside a dump of your nand renamed "nanddump.bin" and the SMC.bin file we created earlier.



Now go to step 5




Open 360FlashTool, Go in Settings then in Keys



Add the Cpu key of your console with "add CPU-Key" and click on OK



In settings, click this time on Options and select "Extract ibuild compatibles Files"




Now Click on Extract and select the following data :



?Firmware Challenge Response Table (in Generic Files)

?Config Blocks


 NB : Some console don't have FCRT file, it's not a problem, if there is none ... you don't need it and you can continue the tutorial.




When you press OK, you will have to choose where you want to save the data files ...

Now copy the two files of the folder GenericFiles/FreeBOOT/Data in the folder data of ggbuild (for me it's slim4go)



 Do the same with the two files from the folder FreeBOOT/Data



Add the SMC.bin generated previously. You should have the following files in your ggbuild 's data folder.



Step 5 : Open the options.ini file, there is 3 things to do :


?Fill the 1blkey blank qith : DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA

?Fill the cpukey blank with your console cpu key

?Fill the CFLDV value with the one we get in 360Flashtool earlier.



III: Nand Creation


Step 1 :  With windows command prompt, go int the ggbuild folder and use this command (change the parameter with the explanation underneath) :


ggbuild -c MB -f kernel -d data nandname.bin


?Replace  MB by your motherboard console revision : trinity, jasper, jasper256, jasper512, falcon or zephyr

?Replace kernel by the kernel version you want to have : 13604

?Replace data by the name of the the folder where we put the data : slim4go for me

?Replace nandname.bin by ... you get it.



Step 2 :  Once the process if over you will see (check the CPU Key, 1bl, MB infos) :



You will find your hacked nand at the root of the ggbuild folder



Now you can flash your nand with the -w16 nandpro command. (-w64 for jasper256/526) or use Rawflash V2.




Tutorial done by Razkar for Logic-Sunrise.com

Posté : vendredi 21 octobre 2011, 15:36 par Razkar.
21 octobre 2011, 16:17
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la meme en anglais merci ^^
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21 octobre 2011, 17:03
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Thanks ^^
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21 octobre 2011, 17:53
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Merci pour le tuto
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22 octobre 2011, 05:10
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Method 2 is repeated twice in the tutorial
I think one method should be method 1

Another thing i wanted to ask:

I have xbox with 13599 dash. I cannot update because i dont have dvd drive,
can i use this tutorial step by step and end up having a working patched 13604 nand?
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22 octobre 2011, 11:12
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Ok there was a little typo error ... corrected thx.
Method1 is fine for Fat and some slims ... it seems if your console have a fcrt.bin file method 1 don't works ....
Yes you can =)
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22 octobre 2011, 23:54
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I hope that somebody can answer my question.

Finaly I made an slim4go.bin flash it on my Trinity with NandPro

Xell Reloaded work, but dashboard still nothing. :-(

So I was thinking what if I flash it to stock again with the original nanddump. Before I did that, I removed my cpld.

Then I turn on my Slim and got a red dot after around 25sec.

So put back my xilinx cpld and flashed the image_00000000.ecc on it and Xell Reloaded starts up like before.

It realy drives me grazy.

If somebody knows what could be the problems please let me know.

I did not had any badblocks.

Thanx in advance.
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23 octobre 2011, 21:52
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I followed method #2 and worked perfectly
i am currently running the hacked dashboard

however i don´t have any avatars, it says that it needs an update for avatarst

is it safe to put the 13604 ms update in order to get the avatars?
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Utilisateur en ligne
23 octobre 2011, 22:10
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I followed method #2 and worked perfectly
i am currently running the hacked dashboard

however i don´t have any avatars, it says that it needs an update for avatarst

is it safe to put the 13604 ms update in order to get the avatars?

Yes you can do it =) 
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25 octobre 2011, 05:27
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Instruction Vidéo S'il vous plaît!!!!! Post a Video Tutorial Please!!!!!!!!
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27 octobre 2011, 14:37
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thank you
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16 novembre 2011, 01:24
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Xbox has a total of 3 units. 3 of them doing the same problem. xell boot fine, do not boot the dashboard. I am mad.

1x falcon cb5771, 1x 16 mb jasper cb6750 , 1x 512 mb jasper cb6750

all of the same problem. xell boot fine, do not boot the dashboard. please help :(
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