GameSonic Manager v3.11 disponible

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GameSonic Manager v3.11 disponible
Orion propose, lui aussi, une mise à jour de son forks d'Iris Manager. Cette révision v3.11 propose donc la gestion du payload Mamba sur les CFW 3.55, 4.41, 4.46 DEX. La revision v3.10 apporte une meilleure gestion des fichiers en cas de changement de CFW, un meilleur support du payload Mamba, mais également une gestion du SPOOF 4.60 (pour les CFW 4.46/4.55 - Cobra inclus) et bien sur l'inévitable correction de bugs.
Le Changelog:

Added payload mamba 3:55 DEX, 4:41 and 4:46 DEX DEX thanks Joonie.
Fixed a bug in the spoof remover.

GameSonic Manager v3.10 Changelog:
Auto-rename files explore_plugin.sprx depending on the CFW in use (if the CFW is 4:46 explore_plugin_446.sprx renames the manager, even if the update or downgrade the fw manager will rename all automatically), so the manager does not comes in a excess weight and you do not need a discless addon.
Fixed various bugs in the file manager. (Lv1 Lv2-dump, and other small bugs)
Added last payload mamba 4.46DEX by Joonie.
Added spoof Installer / Remover to 4.60 for CFW 4:46 to 4:55 CEX (including cobras).
Added to the plugin installer Webman mod.
Cleaned Advanced Tools menu.
Now in the Advanced Tools menu vissualizzerete the payload that is using the manager.
If spoofing Gamesonic Manager is the active manager will detect it and display it in the global menu option.
Gui Manager reconstructed from 0 and made faster and more efficient.
Added protection in the spoof Installer / remover to avoid the semi-brick (if the manager will detect spoof already installed will show the remove option and not a full installation)
Added scan of the cover of the folder Multiman, if the manager will find there the cover will apply automatically (Install the cover pack to get all the cover).
Updated source code for the version of Singstar Replacament and cleaned from unnecessary strings.

Lien de téléchargement:
Remplacement de SingStar:
Jeudi 24 Juillet 2014, 12:35 par RomAnOCrY
Source :
24 juillet 2014, 12:39
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Merci pour l'info ! ;)
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24 juillet 2014, 13:20
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le cfw 4.60 fonctionne enfin avec ?
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31 juillet 2014, 09:34
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Merci :)
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